Showing posts with label ashutosh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ashutosh. Show all posts

Friday, November 13, 2009

Exams Galore

At last I got a reprieve to write something in my blog! The last 3 days were directly from hell. I had a PDS lab test (ok.. not exactly hell there) followed by Engg Drawing and Math, the next day and Phy lab test (purely hell) today. I still got phy test day after... but then again its day after. (I'm sure its pretty much this attitude of mine that made hell - ya i DO know it but it takes a lot to implement it)

Anyhow, the world wide web doesn't need to know the procrastination of a teen - its just too common! Ok where was I?? Well, I don't seem to remember much of what I have not told about earlier but if I do remember I'll tell along the way! Now, almost everyone's in exam fever.. I said almost cuz i know i am not! We were playing badminton just a few minutes back. Its weird really... Exams are one thing that brings all IITians together. Boys love it greatly cuz they get a genuine reason to talk to gals and gals love it cuz they don't have to show off anymore to get boys attention! ;) Ok jokes apart, it really makes more than half the students more social partly cuz they like telling each other who has studied the least and appear cool, partly cuz they really haven't studied anything and feel it would be good to have the company of those who are like him/herself, and also partly cuz they know that socialising is wasting time and time ain't precious... (ya i know.. i am going lame - must be the subconscious tension of exams - if you meet me now you wouldn't find a livelier person!!)

Speaking of gals, did i tell you that this place is a heaven for them?? The ratio's like 1:20... Really frustrating for me. I was thinking of having some fun after coming here.. I guess I'll just have to wait till the despos try their luck. ;) But anyway its good to have them as friends. They are usually very helpful. USUALLY - mind you. There's this gal in my section who only thinks of her.. She haven't got any friends either. I mean its just the first 3-4 months and basically everyone's your friend at the moment - how DID she manage to alienate herself so fast?? If she was a maggu, I would have understood but she ain't getting the top marks either! phew.. An exact opposite to her and one of her only 'friends' is this hyperactive (in a good way) and friendly gal! But she ain't so good in pds.. I would have been happy to help but she isn't asking much after the first time. Ya I DID try to teach two gals, programming. Was fun in a way. But this other gal wasn't really interested in learning! ;) Ok that's too much already.. If you wanna know more, contact me. I got elders listening on to this blog!

The internet is soooooo helpful to keep in touch. The best thing i like about it is the social websites. FB, twitter and orkut are everyday activities already. Having internet and lan connection directly to the room had to lead to this. But i don't regret this. I don't think i would have got in touch with my old pal Ashutosh any way else. He's in Toronto now and we just got in touch after SIX YEARS!! We were best friends for six years before that!! I do blame myself for not continuing contact then but i was also an idiot then and a gr8 maggu. The biggest lesson I have learnt in life is that without friends, life is hell. You have to shut your mouth and that is something i have learnt to live without. I give the credit of that to my two years in Bangalore. My friends Saketh, Suhail and Mohsin taught me that studying isn't everything. If it wasn't for Saketh's constant bickering about the system (i miss what he did best - shout at the principal), and Suhail's and Mohsin's indifference, I wouldn't be the super - active guy i am now. But i am digressing off the main topic.. Oh by the way my efforts to publicise my blog are slowly paying off.. Thank you twitter, fb, gtalk, linkedin and wherever else i have mentioned my blog!! (i have already started forgetting!)

Well back to classes.. So the first sem is about to reach its close by next week... The highlights have been PDS and Mechanics. I would really miss PDS.. I am thinking of using the video library available over the lan to continue studying programming and web designing. I am guessing we will continue with mechanics in the second yr - so not so sad abt that.. it IS really interesting. Math could have been interesting in the hands of a gud prof but i guess i just havta mug it up along with physics.. Physics is even worse actually.. I mite even have a backlog in it if i dont study. The tv shows and movies over dc are just too overpowering in attractiveness!! :D Don't worry i am not about to fail! (that's what everyone says around here but many do fail the first exams)

That's all for now. I'll probably give you good news after the exams which get over on 26th. I got NCC camp after that.. Did i tell you about ncc?? oh well.. later! a bientot!